Fixed Post


Wednesday, July 13, 2016


With SDCC approaching and (almost) all the new stuff being revealed, there’s a lot to talk about, especially about the foreseeable future. That’s why this blog decided to take the opposite direction and went look for the guy who started it all, the man who founded the industry as we know it today, Randy Bowen, for an exclusive interview. It felt at first to this editor like I was talking to the President or something, but Mr. Bowen showed himself to be a very approachable figure who’s not afraid of edgy questions and quickly the “President-feeling” disappeared. With a surprise kept under wraps, Randy Bowen talked about the past and the present, gave a hint about the future while doing what he does the best: sculpting.

X-Men by Bowen Designs



CFF (Comments on Collectible Figures): Primarily I would like to say that it is a great honor to interview the man who was decisive to shape the hobby of collectible figures as we know it today. So without further ado, let’s start the interview.

Randy Bowen, the Stan Lee of collectible figures.

CCF: Do you ever think in coming back to the Market? Why and how (doing super-heroes or a more authorial work)?

RB (Randy Bowen): Yes, I do think about coming back into the statue industry… But it will be likely in a different capacity than before. I was recently divorced, and the terms of my divorce prevent me from utilizing the same business model as previously.

In other words; if I have a statue company that sells and distributes and manufacturers, then I would need to pay a large chunk of the profits to my ex-wife.

This is for a period of five years. So until the year 2021, I'll likely just do sculpting for other companies. And then, after that, I'll be poised for the rebirth of Bowen Designs at some point.

I'm not sure what you mean by "more authorial work"... Do you mean: more original work?

CCF: Yes. Not based on pre-created characters (i.e. Marvel or DC) but original creations from scratch.

RB: […] I would like to do more original characters as I've done in the past (i.e. Decapitator, Jimmy Legs, Bionica, etc). But the fact is it is a more difficult task to make sales. People generally want characters that they are already familiar with.

Having said that: it's always more satisfying to do something that comes from your own mind.

Bowen's original creation, Jimmy Legs

CCF: What do you think of the industry today, an industry you helped to found and shape?

RB: What do I think of the industry today? I think it's amazing. There seems to be no end of the creativity and variety that's out there. It's a little overwhelming. Especially, since there were no other people or companies doing this when I started.

CCF: Is there any new brand you identify yourself the most? Why?

RB: I'm not sure that I'm clear on the meaning of your question:   Are you asking which company I like the most?  Or are you asking who I would most like to work for?

I cannot answer at this time.  I will be doing something soon, but there will be an official announcement, and I cannot say anything at this time.

CCF: Ok. I completely understand. Will look for it! So let’s go to the next question: what do you consider the three best statues you ever done? The ones you’re most proud of?

RB: Difficult question, as I'm never totally satisfied with anything I've done...  Probably: Frank Frazetta Death Dealer statue, Iron Fist, and Hulk.

CCF: Cool. I love your Silver Surfer (the one that went Chrome and Faux Bronze).

RB: Thank you;)

Death Dealer and Iron Fist, two of Randy Bowen's most cherish sculpts

CCF: Is there any Marvel character that always sold well no matter the sculpture?

RB: Captain America, Hulk, Thor are a few...

CCF: I see... the first name that came to my mind was Spider-Man, but turns out fans think otherwise... :)

RB: No Spider-Man is in the group as well...So is Wolverine... Many sell really well... That's why I produced so many variants of these...

Thor: a favorite character among collectors

CCF: I get it now. The more variants the more successful the character is. Now you said it I realized the Market has really this "law". The ones that sell the most are the ones with more statues variants! Next question: What do you think about 3D software sculpting?

RB: I think it is the direction the industry is moving.  It has good points and bad.
I am learning brush myself (a digital sculpting program)

CCF: ZBrush, I suppose.

RB: Yes- sorry for the typo...

CCF: Let me rephrase the question. Is there anything you cannot do with the program that you can only do by putting your hands on the clay or is this a myth?

RB: I am no authority on the subject, but there is virtually nothing that can't be done digitally.  I like the natural look of something that is sculpted by hand myself, (even random tool marks and fingerprints).  But I'm sure there's a way even to add those elements.

CCF: It’s a bit personal question, so don’t answer if you feel uncomfortable, but did you make enough money with Bowen Designs that you no longer need to work and still have a comfortable life?

RB: Yes- I can retire from working if I wish... but I do not wish to do so completely.

CCF: Do you still sculpt? Do you collect statues?

RB: Yes- I am working on a sculpture now... :)

CCF: Amazing! Wish I could see it.

RB: I'll need a bigger house to continue
I cannot participate in the interview much longer. I need to start my day.  I can answer more later today.

CCF: That's cool. I'll wait and start to format what we have. I'll just leave you with the next question for you to think over: what do you think of the inflating prices of the statues in the last couple of years? Do you think is a tendency or it tends to slow down? What is causing this inflation in your opinion?

RB: Prices on all materials relating to statue production is increasing, as well as the cost of fuel for shipping these items.

CCF: I didn't factor these variables, I thought it was only greed from the companies.



CCF: Where any of the Bowen statues hollow inside? If so, why? I’ve heard several explanations and I would like to know the real ones. And also what do you think about this picture?

Thin, cheap casting of a Red Hulk by Sideshow Collectibles

RB: Is the photo of the Red Hulk a Bowen Statue?
No not every large statue was hollow cast.  The factory makes the decision regarding whether it’s hollow.  It has to do with shipping costs, but mores, because large solid-cast statues generate more heat in the casing process, and therefor burn-out (wear-out) the molds faster.
Most of the statues were solid. But the were a few that were semi-hollow. It's to reduce weight for shipping.

Also; larger pieces tend to generate a lot of heat in the casting process.

CCF: No, it's a Sideshow Statue. What’s your favorite Marvel or DC character? And what’s your favorite character overall?

RB: DC - Batman Marvel - Thor. Bay, an overall... Batman overall favorite.

CFF: Is there any character you would like to sculpt but never did? Who?

RB: Metal Men.

Metal Men

CFF: Why did you leave the industry?

RB: I needed to take a break...  I went through a long and expensive divorce, and needed to liquidate and divide the assets of my corporation.

CFF: What your advices to people who want to make sculpture for a living?

RB: Learn Z-brush, traditional sculpture, and drawing... All very important skills...

CFF: Just to finish with a sound number, fifteenth question: is there anything you want to do that you didn’t yet?

RB: Have sex with a beautiful woman while mean sculpturally? :)  Yeah, there are lots of things, but I'm going to keep my ideas to myself, or otherwise I'll never do it!


So that was the pleasant conversation I had with Randy Bowen I hope you enjoyed as much as I did. And sex while skydiving it’s sure to be one of the wildest experiences someone may have in life! I would never thought about if it wasn’t Mr. Bowen. Or worse, without him we would never been collecting statues. We owe this guy a lot.:)




  1. Thanks for this great interview. I'm a big fan of his work and he never went into detail about what was going on with the end of his company. I hope to see more of his work out there sooner than 2021!

  2. Thanks for this interview. I’ve obviously been living in a cage. I just learned today that Bowen Designs was gone. I was one of Randy’s warehouse managers. He is an amazing man on all levels. He is just as talented (if not better) as a painter as he is a sculptor. I will fondly remember ever single moment I had with Randy. He even let me sculpt some of the skulls from the Thanos Statue. Sadly I’ve never seen the finished product just pictures online. Randy will bounce back. That kind of talent does not fade away!

  3. My ex husband and I knew Randy and his then wife (we worked together) way back in the days in Oregon. He had some amazing things he had created that we got to see and he was such a cool dude to know and hang out with. Glad he's done so well, definitely a game-changer even in the early 90s! Congrats Randy!
